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Welcome to the IBM Websphere Commerce Hub

Come join me in my journey to explore the various features and capabilities of IBM Websphere Commerce and understand how retailers can benefit from its really cool out-of-box functionality.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Day 6 : Title and meta description (TMD) for SEO pages

Title and metadata information is valuable for allowing your store's pages to stand out on the internet. With the search engine optimization feature for WebSphere Commerce Version 7 Feature Pack 3, each web page in your store is provided with unique content to improve its ranking in search results.

The title and meta description data is comprised of:  
Page title
The page title appears in the customer's browser's title bar For example: Large Adjustable Desk Lamp | Madisons
Meta description
The meta description is used by search engines to provide a description of your site and the current web page's contents for a search results page. It is stored in the web pages HTML and is not viewable on the page itself.
Meta keyword
 The meta keyword is used for your store's static pages such as the contact us or help page for search engines to accurately rank and index the web page. It is stored in the web page's HTML and is not viewable on the page itself.
Image alt text
Image alt text describes the contents of an image for search engines to accurately rank and index the image. It is viewable by hovering over the image on the web page and can be used for text to speech systems for the visually impaired.

The TMD is defined as templates in the SEOPAGEDEF and SEOPAGEDEFDESC tables with the help of the SEO substitution parameters.
Other important tables wrt the TMD is SEOPAGEDEFOVR  and SEOPAGEDEFSUBPARAM.

Demo Video

In this demo video , we will learn how to define the TMD for the new static "Suggestions and Complaints" page which we have created in the Day 4 : Demo - Creating short SEO URLs for new static views.We will also understand the OOB tables.

Lets start the final legs of our marathon!

Demo Help Content

SQL Queries

insert into seopagedef (seopagedef_id, pagename, storeent_id, lastupdate, createdtime) values ((select max(seopagedef_id)+1 from seopagedef), 'SUGGESTIONS_PAGE', (select storeent_id from storeent where identifier = 'Madisons'), '2012-04-22 00:00:00.00', '2012-04-22 00:00:00.00');

update keys set counter = counter+1 where tablename like 'seopagedef';

insert into seopagedefdesc (seopagedef_id, language_id, title, meta_desc, meta_keyword, image_alt_desc, lastupdate, createdtime) values ((select max(seopagedef_id) from seopagedef), -1, 'Suggestion and Complaints at <seo: StoreName/>', 'Suggestion and Complaints at <seo: StoreName/>', 'Suggestion and Complaints <seo: StoreName/>', 'Image for Suggestion and Complaints at <seo: StoreName/>', '2012-04-22 00:00:00.00', '2012-04-22 00:00:00.00');

select * from seopagedef where storeent_id = (select storeent_id from storeent where identifier = 'Madisons');

select * from seopagedefdesc where SEOPAGEDEF_ID in (select SEOPAGEDEF_ID from seopagedef where storeent_id =  (select storeent_id from storeent where identifier = 'Madisons')) and language_id = -1;

select * from SEOPAGEDEFOVR;

JSP Changes
The SuggestionComplaints.jsp used can be downloaded from this link. Place it in the following directory - /Stores/WebContent/Madisons/StoreInfoArea/

Additional Read
Retrieving search engine optimization (SEO) substitution parameters for populating the Management Center UI

Related Blogpost
Smarter SEO for Smarter Commerce

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